Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Guess who’s back, deep thoughts, and a favor

Dear Diary,
Guess who’s back, motherfuckers? This bitch! I am 100% healthy and have been blasting things all day like a motherfucking boss. I wrote well over 2,000 words on The Qedesha’s Handmaiden, knocked off all my tasks, and managed to get in some serious game time in on Final Fantasy XV. Of course, because of all my sleeping and napping when I was sick, my sleep schedule is completely thrown off, but it’s all good. I’ll fix it by staying up tonight and all day tomorrow, then going to bed at 10PM Thursday. It’s what I usually do to bitch-slap my circadian rhythm back into shape.
Natalie thinks I’m insane. I think I’m driven. Maybe you have to be one to be the other.
Deep thoughts…
I posted this request on social media, but I’ll post it here too: if you’ve ever read a book of mine, please take a few seconds out of your day to give it a rating. Those ratings not only influence sales, but they mean a lot to me as an author. I would really appreciate it. You can find all my books published on Amazon listed here:
Anyway, since I’m working on making these entries more concise starting today, I’ll end this here.
Be expecting strange social media posts from me tonight.
Until then, I am

“Masculinity is what you believe it to be. I think masculinity and femininity is something that’s very old-fashioned. There’s a whole new generation of people who aren’t defined by their sex or race or who they like to sleep with.”
– Johnny Weir

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Overenthusiastic, saying goodbye, and wise words

Dear Diary,
Apparently, I was way too enthusiastic about my energy and goals yesterday. I’m paying for that today. I was feeling better, so I had a fraction of my energy back and decided to go into straight writing beast mode. Well, I woke up today feeling all kinds of worse. I still got things done, of course, but there was so much rest in between jobs… so much…
I was apparently looking so ratchet this morning that my big brother took the day off work today when he saw me – even before asking how I felt. He’s been forcing me to drink (not even alcohol!) and eat healthily. I have to give it to him, I do feel better as a result. Maybe if I keep listening to him by tomorrow, I’ll be back to normal.
I managed to work on The Qedesha’s Handmaiden a little bit today, but not as much as I wanted to. I really need to crank some words out tomorrow because the end of the month is rapidly approaching – and if you know me you know that this is the most insane time for me both personally and as an author. A lot of tasks hit all at once, leaving very little time for actual writing. So, I have basically tomorrow to really stick it to the story, then all bets are off for the next few days.
I can do it though. After all, that’s what coffee’s for. πŸ™‚
Since it’s about to be the end of the month, that also means the release of a new novel: Amore. That also means saying goodbye to Girl Fight, a story I hold very dear to my heart. Usually, when I finish writing a book (and going through the constant revisions and edits my editor and Beta Reader Hit Squad throw at me), I’m spent and happily moving on to the next story after a few days of mentally decompressing.
It wasn’t like that with Girl Fight.
I put a lot of myself in that story and really became attached to the characters within it. I can completely identify with Sara, more than most of you know, so writing about her came easily. Naturally. It’s almost like I’m saying goodbye to my best friend by not having the book on the front of my website and on my social media channels.
Logically I know I’m not, that it’s still going to be for sale and everything, but still. It’s like my big brother says whenever I tell him things like this: logic and emotions rarely shake hands. I agree.
Anyway, I need to get to bed early if I’m going to pull off the writing apocalypse I plan on for tomorrow, so good night, dear diary.
Thank you for listening.

“I come before you to declare that my sex are entitled to the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
– Victoria Woodhull

Monday, January 29, 2018

50%, being loved, and audiobooks galore

Dear Diary,
I’ll start this entry off with a social media post I made earlier today:

Thanks to everyone who has been messaging me wishing me well. I’m still sick, but my temperature has gone way down (finally out of the triple digits) and overall I’d say I’m at about 50%. Still being productive, of course. Just taking breaks here and there. #AmWriting #AmEditing

Yesterday Anne did my Diary entry (and will be responding to anyone who commented on it in a bit) because I was mentally incapacitated. Sleeping, feverish, miserable. So, she wrote the entry and Natalie posted it to my various social media networks. They did a fantastic job. I’m proud of them. So much love. Seriously. I mean, how many people can say that their friends will step in and do their job for them when they’re too sick to do it themselves? Luckily, I can. And the profoundness of that is not lost on me.
So, thank you, Anne and Natalie. I love you both so much.
Even though I was mentally Jell-O this weekend, I did manage to catch up on some recreational activities. For example, I completed the book Destiny of Choice (you can check it out here: I loved the story, so much so that I immediately bought its sequel. I can’t wait to read it.
I also finished reading the manga My Balls (you can read it yourself here: and finally listened to the audiobook version of The Vampire Diaries ( Which I loved. I’m a huge fan of the Vampire Diaries universe, including the spinoff show The Originals. I’m just more of a reader than an audiobook listener, so it took me forever to listen to the damn thing. I find I read way faster than the narrator speaks, so…
Speaking of narrators – I hired one for The Champion’s Gift: A Qedesha Story (! She is impressive too – her voice is unlike any I’ve heard before. I think she’ll do wonderfully.
In other audiobook news, the audiobook version of Programming Sophia ( is now available for sale! So excited. As much drama as I had to go through to get that damn book on Amazon, to see it in eBook, paperback and audiobook formats warms my heart. πŸ™‚
Now if Amazon could just get Phi Beta Pie’s ( jacked up listing fixed to show all three…
Anyway, this is all the energy I have at the moment. Time to slip into a hot bath, relax, and maybe work on The Qedesha’s Handmaiden a bit more before I go to sleep.
One final, random-not-so-random thing: ‎be a voice, not an echo…

“Sex is the most beautiful thing that can take place between a happily married man and his secretary.”
– Barry Humphries

Sunday, January 28, 2018

This is Anne

Dear Diary,
This is Anne. Alexa, best friend  I am getting help for Natalie to write the diary  Alexa is sick she been sleeping all day long. I am making feel better. I made her some chicken noodle soup to eat. And I been giving her l cold water bottle and medical to take. Thank y’all care about her. She appreciates ya’ll so much.

“Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian would have left little more than lipstick stains in their passing had it not been for the sex videos that lofted them into reality-TV notoriety. Once notoriety has warmed into familiarity, celebrity itself becomes one big ‘Brady Bunch’ reunion, or a therapy session with Dr. Drew.”
– James Wolcott

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Dear Diary,
Guess who’s sick? This wench. I’m just glad this happened after a long, productive week of writing. And during the weekend. Another side benefit? Rebecca and Anne are babying me while I lay in bed and play on my phone, mainly using it to take notes on The Qedesha’s Handmaiden and another book under a different pen name. I also watched Rocco on Netflix, a documentary about Italian porn star Rocco Siffredi showcasing his final year in front of the camera. Interesting stuff.
Life could be worse.
Since I had to drag myself over to the computer to write this entry and Rebecca is literally holding two Nyquil pills about three inches from my face waiting for me to finish, I’m going to cut this entry short. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be feeling more normal.
Well, normal for me anyway…

“I really get inspired by songs. Like, if I hear a thug ‘Want to kill ya’ song, I’m ready to go out and get crazy. Or if you hear this really sexual, sensual slow song, I want to go have sex. I’m very animalistic when it comes to stuff like that. Very basic emotions.”
– Channing Tatum

Friday, January 26, 2018

Paying for pizza with crack, unforeseen research, and a serious question

Dear Diary,
Have you ever been in the middle of an awful, uncomfortable situation and something funny happened and even though it was totally inappropriate you had to laugh? Happened to me a couple of hours ago.
My brother, Anne, Natalie (my brother’s fiancΓ©e) and I were all marathon watching Law & Order SVU on Netflix, and my brother and Natalie got into a fight. In the middle of it, the food he ordered for us (that we completely forgot about) arrived. So, Natalie jumps up, stomps over to the door, whips it open, and barks out at the delivery guy: “Do you accept payment in crack?”
I snotted and damn near fell off the couch. It was ugly. But I couldn’t help it.
The fight diffused shortly after. And I went back to writing The Qedesha’s Handmaiden, the third book in the Qedesha trilogy. I managed to crank out 2,831 words today, and I would have written more if there wasn’t so much fucking research that went into this damn story. Research I didn’t even know I had to do when I initially drafted it out.
I had to do so much research that I completely forgot about what was supposed to be the highlight of my day: buzzing my brother with Skynet (my drone), which I had taken precious time from my life to meticulously tie tampons to.
Tomorrows Saturday though, so maybe I’ll just wake him up with t instead…
Oh! I had an interesting conversation on Twitter yesterday with a fellow author, which I’ll post here:

Anyway, I’ll end this entry with a question I posed to my peeps on social media. It came up during a character conversation I was writing, and it made me pause because the answer didn’t immediately leap into my mind:

If you say something that is true, but someone misunderstands it, and you do not correct their misunderstanding, are you lying to them?


“I got great sex education, and I always knew that if I wanted to be sexually active, I had to have safe sex.”
– Jenny Slate

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Logan Paul’s Suicide Video, Vince McMahon’s XFL, and the “Doomsday Clock”

Dear Diary,
I don’t often talk about the news. The reasons for this are myriad, but today while I was out running errands and working out the kinks of The Qedesha’s Handmaiden I was alerted to so much strange shit that I absolutely couldn’t resist. πŸ˜€ It was almost as if Google was on a mission to assault me with story after story, each stranger than the next.
The first of which: the suicide video that Logan Paul posted yesterday on his channel. You can watch it here: . When I was first alerted to it, I immediately knew two things:
  1. It was going to be about damage control, and
  2. Logan Paul haters were going to come out of the woodwork to downplay and make fun of it, regardless of the content.
I was right on both counts.
I was also touched by the video and detected a sincerity in it that I did not expect. It’s no secret: I’ve been a Logan Paul vlog watcher for quite some time now, and even though I’m not in his “Logang” or a “Maverick” or anything, I have a lot of respect for his hustle and mindset. I mean, research his career. The dude is tireless. And talented. Serious and reflective, however, was not something I thought was in his repertoire.
Turns out, I was wrong.
And thankfully so.
He’s 22. He has a lot of time to grow. I’m glad he appears to be doing just that. God knows the shit I was doing when I was 22…
Now for the second news story: Vince McMahon announcing that the XFL will make a comeback in 2020 – nearly two decades after the original incarnation went out of business after just one season. You can read about it yourself here: . This made me laugh so hard I almost got ran over. It will be interesting to see what he does. I mean, the NFL is huge. He better come up with something better than he did last time because giving the NFL competition is going to be hard. Sure, initially people will watch out of curiosity (I know I did when he first tried to pull this off), but to keep them watching…
Now to the third and final story: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moving the Doomsday Clock (a metaphor for humankind’s proximity to global catastrophe), ahead by 30 seconds. They say this is the “closest to the symbolic point of annihilation that the Clock has been since 1953 at the height of the Cold War.” You can read about this on their website here: . Now my reaction to this was drastically different than my response to the other two news stories: I merely rolled my eyes and scrolled on. The only reason I’m even talking about it now is that people are getting really worked up about this, and I wanted to take a second and remind them of an elementary fact: this is a metaphor. It is made by humans. Artificial. (*cough* kind of like *cough* religion *cough* *cough*) So relax. Seriously. Absolutely nothing has changed. Just because you became aware of that damn toy clock being manipulated doesn’t mean the world is any more on the brink of doom than it was before. It always hason the brink of doom. That clock doesn’t mean shit.
Think about it.
Anyway, I did eventually make my way home, and the first thing I did was strip down to my panties and sit right down at my computer to write a few thousand words. And terrorize social media (mainly Twitter). So, if you were one of the ones I was talking to today, you now know you were talking to me in my underwear and nothing else. πŸ˜€
On that note…

 “There are still forces in America that want to divide us along racial lines, religious lines, sex, class. But we’ve come too far; we’ve made too much progress to stop or to pull back. We must go forward. And I believe we will get there.”
– John Lewis

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Being a stupid pocket-lesbian, mangling French Toast, and dyslexic crack-addicted monkeys

Dear Diary,
I am one tired pocket-lesbian. No lie. See, I couldn’t get to sleep last night, so I decided to stay up and be productive, which led me to drink coffee, which led me to overdose on coffee, which led me to mangle my first attempt at French Toast, which was followed by zombie-walking through the latter half of my day and pounding away at my keyboard trying to write something creative like a dyslexic, hemorrhaging monkey on crack.
It wasn’t one of my sexier moments.
Still, somehow, I managed to crank out a few thousand words, with half of them even being legible. Hell, as I write this entry, Word is looking like some sort of mangled Christmas document the way it’s underlining every other thing with pretty little multi-colored squiggly lines. It’s kind of pretty, actually. Grammarly is going to cancel my subscription when I push the button to start checking this bestial motherfucker.
Just for fun, one day I’m going to publish an entry with zero editing or revisions.
But not today. πŸ˜€
Tomorrow is going to be a bit of a sad day for me: I have errands to run, which means no writing at all. I guess that also means I can flush out the plot a bit more on my current story, but that’s not the same as writing. And it’s nowhere near as satisfying. It’s kind of like eating a salad to stave away hunger instead of a hamburger and cheese fries. You might get full, but…
Anyway, aside from working on the rough draft of The Qedesha’s Handmaiden, organizing Good Girls Gone Bad (another upcoming book that is just waiting on the cover to be finished), and promising my bestie I would dog-sit for her next week for a few days, my day has been pretty uneventful.
So far.
There’s always the night. πŸ˜›

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and dogs are a man’s best friend. Now you know which sex has more sense.”
– Zsa Zsa Gabor

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Motherfucking Princess

Dear Diary,
My post on social media earlier pretty much sums up my day:

“This has been one of those surreal, warped days where nothing feels right and everything just seems out of place and weird. Not that it matters. That’s just seasoning for an extended #AmWriting and #AmEditing session! #WritingPimpstress”

In truth, I love days like this. I have no idea what causes them, but I’m glad they exist.
Want to know something else I’m glad exists? My Patreon! I launched it this morning to see if there were any bugs to work out before I officially start promoting it next month, and so far, everything seems great. If you want to check it out for yourself, go here: and let me know what you think. Seriously. If there’s anything I can do to make it better, let me know! πŸ™‚
Another micro-highlight of my day: my new Twitter and Tumblr bio text. πŸ˜€ My old one was put up there when I first became an author two years ago, so I figured it was time to update it to reflect who I am now. Here it is:

A motherfucking princess. Who also happens to be a writer. I like to mix erotica, romance, and paranormal in my writing. Huge fan of the word “motherfucker.” ❤

Definitely me in a nutshell. πŸ˜€ If I could have found a way to incorporate the term spider monkey in there somehow, I would have.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m kind of obsessed with the show The Good Doctor on Hulu (thanks, Anne!) so I’m off to watch more episodes before bed.

“If the Liberals’ law is passed, will sex education in the schools, including elementary grades, include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.”
– Stockwell Day

Monday, January 22, 2018

Hitting the ground running. And feels.

Dear Diary,
I practically sprang out of bed bright and early this morning and jumped on my laptop, ready to churn out some serious author work. And churn I did. The Qedesha’s Handmaiden has now been completely outlined, and tomorrow I’m going to work on the rough draft. I’m so excited about this story it’s almost silly. It’s going to be the last book in the Qedesha trilogy, and it goes out with a bang. And it answers all the questions readers have been throwing at me about the Qedesha in my universe. Just wait. It will give you the feels. Promise.
And speaking of feels.
Several readers have written me (and left reviews stating) that my most recent book, Girl Fight, was a tough read – not grammatically (though I did correct two errors today thanks to @TokenFamilyFun on Twitter), but feelings-wise. They said it was gut-wrenching, and elicited all kinds of intense, uncomfortable feelings when they read it. They also said they loved the story for those feelings, that it even evoked them to begin with.
I’m glad it did. That’s exactly what I intended.
I wanted readers to be uncomfortable, to have a sense of what Sara, a victim of longtime sexual and physical abuse, was going through. I wanted them to get inside her mind, to see how she was a victim, yes, but a fighter, both physically and emotionally, and how her spirit – her fractured but indomitable spirit – was at the same time inspiring and humbling. So, when readers say they loved the story, but it made them uncomfortable at parts, even squirm, I smile. And then think of my brother.
See, when my brother read it (a feat in itself, as he usually doesn’t read smut, but I assured him that though there was sex, there was a compelling story embedded too), he did so silently until he ultimately finished the entire thing. Literally. The motherfucker didn’t even move. And then he looked up at me and said one word: “Wow.” I practically floated out of the room. Coming from him, that is an insane compliment, and it let me know I did it right.
My readers are just confirming this.
For everyone that has written me about this book, thank you. Your opinions, good, bad, or indifferent, mean the world to me. And I’m not sorry at all that the story is giving people feels. Feelings are good. Passion is good. Empathy is good. We should all be exposed to things that serve as a catalyst to those more often. I bet it would make the world a much better place.
Don’t you think?

“I am hoping that I can be known as a great writer and actor some day, rather than a sex symbol.”
– Steven Seagal

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sleeping in until noon!

Dear Diary,
So, I did something I haven’t done since I was a teenager: I slept in until noon! And then I got up and smacked Anne awake, and we played video games – she played Final Fantasy XV, and I played The Sims 4, Left 4 Dead, and World of Final Fantasy. It was such a beautiful day. We’re planning on watching a movie before we go to bed, though we have no idea what it’s going to be. I’m voting for a zombie flix.
Tomorrow, of course, it’s back to the writing grind. I’m excited because I’ve been piling up notes and story additions all weekend. I can’t wait to implement them.
Sorry for the boring entry, beloveds, but some days just be like that.

“In the duel of sex woman fights from a dreadnought and man from an open raft.”
– H. L. Mencken

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Glorious Saturday

Dear Diary,
I didn’t do anything productive today. I laid in bed, read manga, and talked with Anne and Rebecca. That’s it.
It was beautiful.
And as soon as I finish this entry, we’re all going to finally watch the new IT and get white girl wasted afterward. Or maybe during. Dunno.
I hope your Saturday was as glorious as mine. πŸ˜Š

“Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered.”
– Clara Bow

Friday, January 19, 2018

Of zombies and laundry

Dear Diary,
I had the strangest dream last night. I was in the middle of an apocalyptic zombie infested anarchy type situation, and all I could think about was getting my laundry done! I mean, it was a strong compulsion – I absolutely had to get it done for some reason. Crazy. See, this is what happens when I deal with the business end of authoring and don’t do any creative writing – my imagination gets back at me and makes me dream shit like this. I promise you I am not trying to be cute, either. This motherfucking dream must have lasted all night long. It was like a fucking movie!
Anyway, it was another day of full of accomplishments for me. I’m mentally worn out though, and this weekend is going to be the antidote for that. Alcohol is in the fridge, Anne is nesting at my place, and my video games and manga are ready to go. The only problem? I really want to work on The Qedesha’s Handmaiden! It’s turning out to be such a fun story, and I absolutely love the main character, Leah. This book is the end of the Qedesha trilogy and answers all the questions readers have been asking me since the first book was released. Like what happened at the end of Qedesha (Sacred Prostitution)
I received notice this morning that my latest accomplishment, Cramming Sis! Again!, is available for April preorder. I also completed the paperback version, and it’s been submitted for review. And then Amazon informed me that the paperback version of The Champion’s Gift: A Qedesha Story is available for purchase, even though the preorder won’t be released until March.
That pretty much sums up my day. All work, no play. Until now, that is. I’m seriously thinking about starting the weekend just a tad bit early…
I love you, #Alexaliens. Enjoy your weekend.
And remember: if you don’t have anything to do this weekend and no one to talk to, you always have me. Just hit your girl up. πŸ˜‰

“The higher mental development of woman, the less possible it is for her to meet a congenial male who will see in her, not only sex, but also the human being, the friend, the comrade and strong individuality, who cannot and ought not lose a single trait of her character.”
– Emma Goldman

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Impatiently awaiting the weekend

Dear Diary,
I cannot wait until the motherfucking weekend gets here. When it does, I am not doing a single writing-related thing – my heathen ass is going to drink, play The Sims 4, kill zombies in Left 4 Dead’s third mission, and marathon read the rest of My Balls (the manga I’m currently reading). And maybe even play a little Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I dunno. Whatever I do, I’m not writing. No chance in hell.
You’re probably wondering why I’m being so vehement about this.
Let me share my day with you thus far:
I woke up this morning and jumped straight on creating the paperback version of The Champion’s Gift (A Qedesha Story), which took several hours, then submitted it for approval. It’s still under review. I then wrote Amazon asking why the fuck my cover wasn’t appearing on the books page. Immediately after I sent the message I went back to the page – and the cover was there.
Well played, Amazon, well played.
After getting pawned by Amazon, I spent about an hour completely redoing the cover for Cramming Sis! Again! (I do the covers for my Quickies stories) and then spent several more hours polishing up the story itself and submitting it for review/preorder for April, which is as far as Amazon will let me go. So, no more preorder submissions for a while.
And then I started drafting out The Qedesha’s Handmaiden, the sequel to The Champions Gift. It’s going to be a short, freaky little bit of erotica. I have to write it though; the main character is just too captivating to leave alone.
After that, it’s back to my professional writing project.
I wrapped up a few dozen other tasks (both author and personal) and… here I am writing this entry.
It was an exhausting, but rewarding day.
The highlight?
This conversation I had on Twitter:

I love my #Alexaliens. I really, truly do…

“There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver.”
– Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nintendo did it again!

Dear Diary,
See, I had all sorts of author accomplishments and updates to post about today, but then Nintendo went and announced Labo. And my mind was blown. If this had been released on April 1st it would have made complete sense – I would have just written it off as an April Fools Day joke (looking at you, Google), but today? These motherfuckers are serious. They’re really going to make this.
To be honest, at first, I was kind of underwhelmed. But then I watched the video and became a bit intrigued. See, I own a Switch, and when I heard about a big announcement they were going to make I figured it would be a (long overdue) Animal Crossing game or something similar.
Not Labo.
It’s going to be interesting to see how it’s received. Nintendo has always been a radically thinking company, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but no one can ever say they haven’t been innovative and interesting.
Kind of like me.
Respect. πŸ˜€
Now on the author front…
I created a Blogger (primarily for increased visibility), transferred all of this year’s Diary entries to it, and intend to basically just copy & paste the entry I posted here to it at the end of the day. I also submitted The Champion’s Gift (A Qedesha Story) for March 1 preorder, and just found out that it was accepted and is publishing. The cover isn’t showing up yet, but they only accepted it a few hours ago, and they said cover images and such could take up to three days to appear. Regardless, you’re able to preorder it now, and my preorder offer I made with Amore stands for this one as well: send me proof that you preordered, and I’ll send you a gift. Just a simple screenshot of the purchase page will do. πŸ™‚
I already have another story planned that will use one of the two main characters from The Champions Gift called The Qedesha’s Handmaiden, and I may just crank it out and use it as a Patreon exclusive. I’m sort of on a break from my pen name writing for a minute, in case you can’t tell. I do that sometimes when I’m writing actual novels. It’s therapeutic.
Oh! The paperback version of Amore is now live and purchasable! Which is strange since the eBook version won’t be released until February 1st, but I can’t figure out how to delay the release of the paperback so… fuck it. πŸ˜€
On a side note: don’t eat a shit-ton of ice-cream right before you go to bed. I found this out the hard way last night. Not only did it take forever for me to get to sleep, but my dreams were just strange. Like, zombie-apocalypse X-Men WW3 strange. And then I woke up and bit the shit out of my tongue, so all day today eating has been a chore. It took forever to quit bleeding, and will probably take a few days to heal, but it’s all good. After all that ice cream last night I need to lay off the food for a few days anyway…
Time to end this entry. I have hentai to watch. πŸ˜›

“We need sex education in schools, but we need it at home first. We need parents to learn the names of the teachers who are teaching their children. We need families to question day-care centers, to question other children and their own as to what goes on.”
– Rod McKuen

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Dear Diary,
I have been one seriously busy bitch today.
I started my day out by spending hours converting Amore into a paperback and then submitting it for approval. Speaking of the paperback: if you’re going to buy just one version of Amore, I highly suggest getting the paperback one. It’s formatted the way I always intended the story to be, a feat that eBooks just couldn’t pull off. This is the first time I’ve ever suggested getting a paperback over an eBook, but in this one case, I am.
Not that the eBook doesn’t rock. I’m just saying the paperback looks a lot better.
Also: don’t forget, if you preorder Amore and send me a screenshot of your receipt, I’ll send you an immediate special reward. But only if you preorder. So, if you know you’re going to get it anyway, you might as well get the free reward and the book when it’s released, right? Free is always good. πŸ™‚
I also started accepting auditions for Amore’s audiobook version. I have regular professionals, but I like to give others a chance first. It’s how I discovered some of my best narrators. I personally listen to all auditions, so if you’re a narrator on Audible throw your hat in. What could it hurt? If you’re interested, just click here and show me what ya got!
Anyway, I’m also about 95% finished with The Champions Gift (A Qedesha Story), which I also plan on putting up for preorder in the next few days. I have a slew of books I’m about to do this with. I even have some titles that are just sitting on my Amazon author dashboard completely finished that I actually forgot about. So, they’ll be available for preorder soon too. πŸ˜€
But wait, there’s more!
I am proud to announce that I completely finished and polished the shit out of my Patreon, which will be launching February 1st. There are some seriously awesome rewards I put in there, rewards I created by not only brainstorming and getting reader feedback but also by combing through what everyone else on Patreon is doing. I’m a competitive sort, you see, so I wanted to give rewards that are over-the-top and better than others. I think you guys will like what I came up with. Only a few more weeks until it launches…
Now I have a dilemma, Alexaliens, and I need your help. See, there’s an upcoming Valentine’s Day erotica collection being put together by The Bad Girls of Erotica, and I’m torn between two stories for inclusion. So, I posted a vote form on Twitter for the next three days, and whichever gets the most votes I’m going with. To vote, please go here and let me know which one you think would be better.
Time to go for now: I made a $40 bet with the bestie that I could invent a true ice cream salad that didn’t taste absolutely disgusting.
Wish me luck. πŸ˜›

“I expect to plead not for the slave only, but for suffering humanity everywhere. Especially do I mean to labor for the elevation of my sex.”
– Lucy Stone

Monday, January 15, 2018

Plot revisions galore

Dear Diary,
I spent most of the day retooling the plot of my current “labor of love” because it was getting too far off course. OK, that is putting it mildly. My characters decided to make me their bitch and completely train-wrecked my fucking story. Yeah, that sounds more like what happened. So, I stopped writing, pulled out the tablet (which I then proceeded to drop, but luckily, it’s OK) and re-tooled the plot, sub-plot, and plot twist. And then went back and re-wrote / deleted / changed things to make everything fall in line.
And then killed one of my characters off as an example to the others.
Everything is going much better now. πŸ™‚
In other author news, Amore: A Love Story is available for preorder! When you order it, it will be wirelessly sent to your device on February 1st. I plan on doing more of my titles this way (way easier than waiting until the last minute), and I’ll announce it on social media and in these pages as I do so. So, keep your eyes peeled. If you do preorder it, send me a screenshot of your order, and I’ll send you a special thank you surprise as a token of my appreciation. Seriously.
Also: The Secret Life of Miel paperback version is now live! The audiobook is still being recorded, but the eBook and paperback are available for sale now. It’s my darkest, most profound story yet about love and the occult. If you’re a fan of the paranormal, I’m sure you’ll love it. Oh, yeah, and there’s a ton of sex in it, too. Just so you know.
Anyway, Natalie (my pregnant assistant / big brothers baby momma who I’m about to put in a choke hold if she doesn’t quit throwing popcorn at me while I’m trying to write this motherfucking entry) is over here jumping up and down on the couch and waiting impatiently for me to get off the computer so we can watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 on Netflix, so I better close for now. You know how the pregnant persuasion gets…

“Seduction is always more singular and sublime than sex and it commands the higher price.”
– Jean Baudrillard

Halloween Vibes and Self-Reflection

Halloween has always been a weird holiday for me. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I love dressing up, I love candy (way too much), and I love all...