Saturday, May 19, 2018

Getting ready for Butt Naked Sunday!

Dear Diary,
I’ve been running poor Anne emotionally ragged today. Seriously. And she’s been so sweet about it, not even bitching or anything. See, I’ve been trying to get not only my tasks complete, but everything packed and ready to go for my trip tomorrow night, so I’ve been running around everywhere acting like a spider monkey on meth (like, more so than usual). I’ve almost finished everything (I even published a book under an erotic pen name today!), so tomorrow we should be able to have our regularly scheduled butt-naked Sunday (no, I am not joking, and yes, we are actually butt-naked all Sunday) and just exhale for a bit before I have to leave.
So. Frazzled. Yeah. That’s me. And her by transference. πŸ˜…
Now, for a complete topic switch. A lot of you have asked why I needed that long break a while ago, and for the most part, I kind of shrugged off the question. I didn’t even know how to begin to explain everything that happened.
Well, it’s time to start opening up. So, I did just that, pouring out my soul and explaining everything to my Patreon subscribers. You can find the full post here: “Why I Needed A Break” ( It wasn’t an easy post o write, but it needed to be aired. And I feel loads better now. 😊
Now to just assassinate this handful of tasks that are sitting here glaring at me as I type this…
Before I go, however, a heads-up: when I get back from my trip I’m going to do something completely whacky, something I’ve never done before. It’s going to be fun (definitely a mind-fuck), and I’m going to document every single day of it.
I bet you’re wondering what I’m going to do.
You’ll just have to wait and see.
Mark the 24th on your calendars, lovers. Shit’s going to get crazy… 😏

πŸ’‘ The More You Know πŸ’‘
In Victorian times, a slang term for a prostitute was “blowsy.” At the same time, “blow” was slang for ejaculation. So, by the 1930s, the act of fellatio came to be known as a blow job. In Ancient Greece, the common slang for a blow job was “playing the flute.”

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