Thursday, October 3, 2019

Helping Anne poop, having fun with Lolis, and making you wet yourself…

Dear Diary,
I am utterly unappreciated as a friend. I’m serious. See, Anne told me she had to poop, right? She had just eaten a ton of ice cream that morning (which she knows better than considering she’s lactose intolerant), so she had (predictably) been pooping all day. Anyway, she slithered her way to the bathroom and closed the door, and I – in my deep and profound dedication as her best friend – decided to try and help. So, I placed my Bluetooth soundbar in front of the door and put on some helpful, soothing, and uplifting songs:
For some unfathomable reason, she was not amused. She even told me I had a constipated cry-smile because of the way I was grinning when she finally got out. Such an evil, spiteful little thing! 😅
Writing-wise I’ve been on a roll: I finished Exitium Mundi: Jamie and even finished the outline for Exitium Mundi: Everyone 2, the very last book in the Exitium Mundi series. Not that I seem to be able to actually write the damn story or anything – Real Life keeps throwing things my way that I have to deal with. It’s frustrating. Today, for example, I had to take Anne to the doctors again, so I planned on getting up a bit early to get some much-needed writing done.
We overslept and barely managed to get ready in time to leave. 🙄
So since I haven’t been able to full-fledge write, I decided to outline the sequel to Killer LolisKiller Lolis: Hunt for the Lolistone in my spare time. I love my Lolis, and outlining the story is proving to be an immense amount of fun. It’s going to be a lot longer (and kinkier, and definitely more entertaining) than the original, so look forward to it. 😊
Now, on to Halloween.
Until my favorite holiday gets here, I figured it would be fun to scour the internet for super short scary stories and share them with you all at the end of my Diary entries. To get into the spirit, you know? I didn’t write any of these stories, and they are all freely available on the internet (mostly Reddit), so I figured no harm, no foul.
Here’s the first.
Try not to wet yourself. 🎃

Check Under the Bed
I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”

Thank you for reading, beloveds.

“I worked as a prosecutor watching Catholic priests charged with sex abuse and saw firsthand how the ‘circle the wagons’ mentality revictimized the innocent, coddled the guilty, and made matters worse for everyone.”
– Christine Pelosi

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