Thursday, September 20, 2018

Breaking records…

Dear Diary,
So I’m stubborn. Many of you already know that, but let me illustrate why I’m writing that now.
I woke up yesterday morning feeling like someone stepped on me, wiped their feet on my body, and then kicked me across the room for good measure. I also woke up late as hell, because my body just refused to rise any sooner. I slithered into the kitchen and smacked my big brother unit repeatedly (we both had these past few days off) until he made me some peanut butter pancakes and oatmeal, and then rolled to my computer desk like Sonic the Hedgehog to start my day of writing.
The first few minutes were spent simply staring at my computer screen, blinking dumbly and swaying in my chair.
The next handful of hours were spent cranking out 7,469 words yesterday, and almost the same amount today. Both days broke personal records. 😳
That is not a brag. That is me mystified at how productive I can be even though I feel the way I do. Putting my headphones on and diving into Nephilim: Prisoner transports me to another world, and by the time the clock buzzes after five hours have passed I’m always baffled at where the time went. I’m enjoying writing this book so much, even though it’s quickly climbing to 50,000 words. A true novel-length book. My first. Definitely not my last.
And I have a surprise for my Patreon supporters: when the book is finally finished, they will get it immediately. Well, as soon as my editor and Beta Reader Hit Squad gets done with it. Soon, my pretty’s, soon… 🤗
Which means if you haven’t read the first book in the series, Nephilim: Daybreak, please do so. Or you could always pick up the audiobook instead if that’s your thing. It will be worth it, trust me. And it will make the second book make a lot more sense.
I think my big brother unit needs some cockblocking attention – his ex-girlfriend just came over and they’re sitting a little too close on the couch. 😅 Until tomorrow, my loves…

“Scouting ought to be about building character, not about sex. Period. Precious few parents enroll their boys in the Scouts to get a crash course in sexual orientation.”
– Rick Perry

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