Thursday, July 12, 2018

All over the place…

Dear Diary,
I’m gradually feeling better. My energy is slowly coming back, my focus is sharpening, and my motivation is starting to resemble what it was before Death tried to snuff me out. Hell, I even survived the Thanos purge on Reddit, so things are definitely starting to look up.
From a work perspective, however, things have been absolutely insane. I knew I had a ridiculous amount of tasks piled up since I was out for a week, but I had no idea how long it would take to actually process them. I went through over 800 emails, around three dozen tasks, started a fight with Amazon over rejecting the paperback (and later the already published eBook) of one of my pen names, and managed to crank out the October preorder of Memoirs of a Nymphomaniac – and finish its paperback to boot. Its audiobook version is still a ways off, but its coming.
God, even typing all that out is exhausting. 😅
The good news: everything is finally caught up! I am officially back on schedule. Now I just need to find a way to not only keep up the pace but give myself time to heal. It’s a delicate balancing act considering how I still feel, but completely worth it.
Always worth it.
Before I go, I want to give a huge shout-out to my newest Patron, David Parrish! Thank you so much for supporting me. It means more than you know.
As do all of you.
I love you.
Thanks for reading.

“To me, a sex scene in a movie generally means a gratuitous scene that doesn’t serve the story but gives a kind of excuse – we’ve got these two actors, we want to see them naked, so let’s bring in the music and the soft light.”
– Joseph Gordon-Levitt

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