Dear Diary,
Most of my day was spent writing and researching. The book I’m currently writing under a pen name (the last one before I can get back to my erotica!) is an old one that I dusted off and decided to bring to life. I have to write a story with a soft deadline (contracts, you see) and I didn’t feel like crafting an entirely new one from scratch – especially when I have so many on the backburner. This particular yarn had always been one of my favorites, primarily because it’s one Anne helped me develop. It actually came from a dream of hers and we just kind of ran with it.
I opened the file and went looking through all 40 pages of notes I have on this beautiful motherfucker concept of a story and my mind just reels. So many unanswered questions, so many characters needing to be flushed out…there really was little more than an outline followed by a bunch of scattered thoughts. And – get this – I apparently got in a writing frenzy and wrote 20 chapters of the damn thing. Good chapters. I reread them and just sat back, my mind buzzing from the synapses going off rapid-fire as I tried to figure out how to smooth everything out and do it justice.
I must have written when I was drunk again. I completely blame alcohol.
So, I paced, lounged across the bed, the couch, my brother, the floor, the tub, brainstorming the entire time, and finally managed to make everything click together the way it should. It was a beautiful feeling. I did a little research to make sure the fundamental reality of what I wanted to do was possible, then sat down to start hammering it out – only to find that I had two measly hours of writing time left! (I write a minimum of six hours a day)
Those two hours went fast.
Still, I managed to crank out the smoothed-out outline, and tomorrow I’ll be starting the rough draft. This is going to be a long story, but such a good one. The book I did before this one, the romance under a pen name (the one I released on the first of this month) has been selling every day since its release, which genuinely stuns me, but also spurs me on to start this book.
I can’t wait to see how this one does.
For now? I’m about to watch some Lucifer on Hulu with Anne, who is throwing things at me to make me get off the computer.
We both love that show, and the actor that plays Lucifer is highly fuckable and very lucky that I’m taken charismatic and attractive.

Until tomorrow, I am
“The Charter of the United Nations expresses the noblest aspirations of man: abjuration of force in the settlement of disputes between states; the assurance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; the safeguarding of international peace and security.”
– Haile Selassie
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