Thursday, December 28, 2023

World War Z



The Swarm Comes to the Nintendo Switch™
World War Z, the heart-pounding zombie shooter that has captivated over 15 million players now arrives on Nintendo Switch™. Inspired by the Paramount Pictures film, World War Z focuses on fast-paced third-person shooter gameplay featuring swarms of hundreds of zombies.

Humanity is on the brink of extinction. From New York to Moscow, Jerusalem and more, the undead apocalypse continues to spread. As the end looms, a hardened few band together to defeat the horde and outlive the dead.


Episode 1: New York
     Tunnel Vision
     Hell and High Water
     Dead In The Water
Episode 2: Jerusalem
     Brain Surgery
     Dead Sea Stroll
     Tech Support
Episode 3: Moscow
     A Sign from Above
     Key to the City
     Battle of Nerves
Episode 4: Tokyo
     Setting Sun
     Final Call
     Cruise Control

Unlock all character videos
     Angel Flores
     Arnetta Larkin
     Bunko Tatsumi
     Daniel Alahey
     Dina Mizrahi
     Ethan Wolfe
     Hiroji Okada
     Ivan Dovchenko
     Judd Whitaker
     Kimiko Nomura
     Oksana Orlovskaya
     Sergei Popov
     Sho Sugiyama
     Tashaun Burnell
     Tatsuo Matsumoto
     Timur Yushkevich


My Rating: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🖤
If you know anything about me, you know I am a huge sucker for zombie-killing games. I don’t know what it is about them that calls to me so much, but they do. My ultimate favorite zombie-killing series has to be Left 4 Dead, followed closely by the Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie Mode. So when I saw the trailer for this, I immediately wanted to give it a try, even though I hadn’t seen the movie yet. So when it became available on my favorite console (the Nintendo Switch), I dived in.

There are only three things I had a problem with:
     1. The game is too short. You could sit down and beat all the levels in about an hour if you wanted, and once you beat them, replaying them is a bit… tedious. Challenging but tedious.
     2. The AI-controlled teammates have the annoying (and constant!) habit of getting right in front of you when you are on a shooting spree, and in this game, they take damage. And they bitch about being shot. Even though they moved in front of your line of fire while you were shooting. I died so many times because of this – having to stop shooting, reposition myself, only to have it happen again a few seconds later. This loli was practically frothing at the mouth at times…
     3. Tokyo. The very first Tokyo level. IS INSANELY FLIPPING HARD. I died more times on that damn level than all the others combined. It was a cakewalk until the end, and that’s where things took a deep dive into insanity. Success seemed to hinge on the random goodies the computer doles out; if it gives you the wrong things, there is no way you can make it. 😭

Despite the above three gripes, the game is fantastic and undeniably loads of fun. And the character cinematics, though short, really dig into their pasts, making them more than just two-dimensional zombie killers. I’m a huge fan of character development (something you can probably tell from my writing), and this game does that in spades. Of course, you can’t see the back story until you successfully beat a level with the character, but still. It was fun getting to know about them. It makes their dialog in-game make so much more sense.

I consider this game beat because I slaughtered all the levels and unlocked all the character cinematics.

If you’re interested in snagging yourself a copy, you can get it here.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Feel like stalking me?

Dear Diary,

I’m not very good at the social media thing. I’ve heard people say you’re supposed to advertise like a demon, hyper-interact with people to make them think you’re friendly and outgoing, and gain readers and followers by treating people like marionettes, but that’s just not me. I do put out advertisements (10 throughout the month), but the rest of my social media posts are just me being stupid. Things I find funny online, random thoughts, or interesting tidbits that happen in my life… There is no true rhyme or reason behind what I post.

Don’t get me wrong, I know how to play the game. Just because I know how to play the game, however, doesn’t mean I want to, and at the end of the day, I’m the one looking at myself in the mirror.

I wrote all that to write this: I would rather be myself and have people like me than try and pretend to be someone I’m not and have to keep up some sort of false front.

It’s pretty much like I am outside of the digital world. It’s why I only have a handful of people in my inner circle, and everyone else is just sort of… associates.

Still, I have met a few people online that I’ve clicked with and have come to care about through the years. Organically. It takes time with someone like me, as I don’t just swing the gates open at the first sign of a decent person. I’m choosier than that. I like to evaluate people. Get to really know them. The good and the bad. As long as the good outweighs the bad, most likely, I’ll get along fantastically with you.

Can you relate? I’m sure you can. I’m sure most of you can. Everything I’ve written about myself is likely true for most of you.

I just wish some of you remembered that…

Anyway, if you want to contact me, there are many ways to do so. Pick your preferred method:



















 Writers Café




I look forward to meeting you!



💡 The More You Know ðŸ’¡

Feel like getting a sexual education? Check out Bad Girls Bible, an illustrated guide to having better sex. The website is pretty dope, too.


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