Friday, August 12, 2022

The emotional roller coaster that was July…

Note: I had originally published this in my August 2022 newsletter, but since not everyone’s subscribed to my newsletter, I figured I’d put it here as well.


Dear Diary,

Most of July was peaceful, allowing me to absorb myself with my current writing project, Little Dead Girls, and the four spin-off books that take place before the main story: Cat, Stormy, Lilith, and Brittany.

As the month started winding down, however, things began to darken.

  1. A close friend of mine, who is barely making it off her government SSI check as it is, had her rent raised by $100 out of nowhere.
  2. That same friend is also having issues getting her food stamps renewed, and no matter how many times I call on her behalf, they keep telling me the same thing: COVID/economy is to blame, so they’ll basically get to it when they get to it. She’s been waiting for them to ‘get to it since May.
  3. And then the most frightening thing happened: Anne, aka The Notorious Baby Squirrel, asked me to feel her up one morning before I even had a chance to get my stuff setup (I’ve known her for almost 20 years now; I’m also presently her caregiver), so I did. And felt a small hard left in the same booby she had cancer in. I immediately got on the phone with her doctor… we’re waiting for a call back with an appointment…
  4. On a less traumatic note, my air fryer, the love of my life, died. I was heating up a breakfast sammich and… When the timer was up, it was still cold. I tried two more times, but nothing. It was dead. Luckily I had given a friend of mine my backup air fryer, so she gave it back, and now I’m happy. But still!
  5. Last but not least, I took a shower the other day and decided to wear my Galaxy Watch Active because I’ve been thinking of tidbits to add to my story every time I bathe, and remembering them is annoying. So I wore my watch, put it in water mode (motherfucker is supposed to be waterproof), and when I got out… it was stuck in a boot loop. After several minutes, it died and hasn’t come back on since. Luckily I put insurance on that motherfucker when I bought it, so I’m in the process of getting it replaced or compensated, but until then, I still need a smartwatch… So I dug through my hoarded electronics, found the Pebble Time Steel my big brother got me several years ago, and found that it not only still held a charge but was at 75%! 😳 So I signed up with Rebble, tinkered around a bit, and even subscribed to their $3/month tier so I could reclaim my watch’s voice and weather features, and now – it’s up and running! Sure, it’s nowhere near as advanced as my Galaxy Watch Active, but the battery life is amazing! And it does everything I need it to do, so it will definitely work until my insurance processes my dead darling.

There you go. A month that started out peaceful and productive ended up chaotic and nightmarish, though still manageable. Let’s hope this month calms the fuck down a bit! 😄😭



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