Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How Star Wars made me an author

Dear Diary,

I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. More than that, I think I might be becoming a bit of a hermit. I have so many creative projects I’m working on, so many stories I’m writing/outlining, that I’m finding myself lost in them. It used to be I would turn to social media for a bit of fun, to talk to people and see what’s going on in the world, but anymore it seems more like a job, like a distraction from my writing that isn’t entirely welcome. No one seems to be really saying anything anymore, just regurgitating, especially when it comes to politics.

It seems the more I’m on social media, the more it reminds me of that movie Mean Girls.

I turned my social media notifications off a while ago just to distance myself from the constant pings (and to save my poor abused phone battery) and made the decision a few days ago to keep them off because the silence (and increased battery time) is so fucking nice. The only notifications I haven’t muted is Patreon. It’s like I have so much more free time now. Life is beautiful again. πŸ˜„

Free time I’m putting to good use. Currently I’m finishing up the second season of Voyeur, and somewhere along the way I ended up reminding myself why I started writing it to begin with. It’s an interesting mixture of drama, love, lust, and mystery that basically encapsulates everything I like to read in a book. And the characters all hold a special place in my heart, as I spent an inordinate amount of time and energy creating them. The only bad thing about the series is forcing myself to keep each episode under 20,000 words, because I keep bopping back and forth between characters and finding myself wanting to tell more of their stories… it’s kind of like a kinky soap opera to me. So much fun.

Another book proving to be fun is a little side project is Little Dead Girls, about Rachel, one of the main characters in another story I just finished, Devious Bitches, which so far only one person (the Patreon member that commissioned it) has read. Little Dead Girls examines Rachel’s past and explains a great deal about why she is the way she is. It also dives into some of the darker mythos of my Alexaverse and may end up being the bleakest story I’ve written yet. And that’s saying something. It will, however, have a happy ending if that sort of thing matters to you. It will just be a hell of a ride getting there.

In the grand scheme of my Alexaverse, Rachel is an incredibly minor character, but she caught the imagination of that Patreon so much that he commissioned yet another story about her – one that not only delved into her psyche a bit more but also exposed her past.

Things like this are why I became a writer to begin with.

I used to play Dungeons & Dragons for a bit, and one of the older advertisements for the Star Wars variant grabbed my imagination and never let it go.



They captured my imagination. What was his story? Why was he there? What kind of person was he? My mind sort of zoomed out, thinking about all the characters in the movies. And not just Star Wars, but movies in general. And then comics. Novels. Some of the minor, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them characters suddenly took on a new light. What was their story? Why were they the way they were?

This was the catalyst of my becoming a writer, and while I love telling stories, it’s exploring the minds and motivations of my characters that truly holds my heart. It’s also why I love reading books and manga that do the same. People fascinate me.

And suddenly, as I write that line, it’s causing me to rethink my current view of social media. Maybe I need to look at it with a fresh pair of eyes, try to remember why I fell in love with it to begin with. Interact with the people I truly find interesting, and ignore/unfollow/block those I don’t.


Let’s see how this goes.

I may even get wild and crazy and up turning my notifications back on. Who knows?

Wish me luck. πŸ₯°



“I’m always surprised when actors say they don’t like sex scenes. It’s like a freebie. It’s fun to make out with someone. So yes, thumbs up on that.”

– Mackenzie Davis


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Friday, March 12, 2021

Making bricks with Mint 😭

Dear Diary,

First of all, a disclaimer: this post is going to be way more nerdish than usual. It’s also going to talk about an event that happened almost a month ago, an event I never intended to write about, but so many people still inquire that I decided I might as well. If computers don’t interest you, you might want to skip this entry altogether. Sorry. I’ll try to make the next entry extra non-techie to make up for this.

Still here?


OK, a few years ago I splurged and bought myself a dual boot tablet (a Chuwi Hi12), which runs both Windows 10 and Android. I also splurged on a fancy case for it, which I normally don’t do for… well, anything. It’s still in perfect condition, as I take immaculate care of the things I own.

Well, the outside is in immaculate condition, at least. The inside… not so much.

See, I’ve always had this weird fetish for Linux. I don’t know why. It all started years ago with Red Hat, then Fedora, then Ubuntu, and currently the love of my life is Mint. I was using Mint on a USB stick for the longest time, as I didn’t want to screw up my work computers by attempting to install it alongside Windows.

Then I had an idea. Why not install it alongside Windows on my tablet? What could the harm be? I don’t use my tablet for work, and if something went wrong I could just reverse the process, right? Right?

Fuck no.

I bricked the shit out of it, y’all. 😭 I tried installing Mint and it crashed halfway through, which severely messed up my boot record, which… the more I tried fixing it, the more it broke. By the time I was finished, it was basically a paperweight. There was no saving this thing. It was D-E-D. Dead.

After I finished sobbing uncontrollably (I love my tablet!), I researched my ass off and, ultimately, managed to wipe everything and install Mint over both Windows and Android, replacing them. So now it’s a full Mint tablet, with no touch-screen capabilities but otherwise functional. Annnnd I was without a tablet because if my mouse and keyboard aren’t attached, it’s basically unusable. And I was used to having a tablet. It started killing me.

So I splurged and bought myself a Samsung tablet, which is something I’ve wanted forever (since I already have a Samsung watch, earbuds, and phone), and… much like every other Samsung thing I’ve bought, has completely floored me. I never used to be a brand-whore, but Samsung converted me. My friend Corrine is a diehard Apple fangirl, will not let me live this down. And she shouldn’t, because I used to roast her at every opportunity for rabidly following Apple.

Just goes to show: instead of making fun of her, I should have investigated. Maybe I would have jumped on the bandwagon sooner, and maybe the life of a poor, defenseless dual boot tablet could have been saved. πŸ˜„

By the way, if any of you happen to know how to fix my dual boot Chuwi Hi12, please let me know! I will pay, yo!



πŸ’‘ The More You Know πŸ’‘

You can have your ashes turned into a firework.

There is a global company called Heavens Above Fireworks that performs the task of turning you into a firework once you die so that you can go out with a bang.


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Monday, March 8, 2021

Getting stabbed to death, and why I was beaten over cheesy 70s porn music…



Dear Diary,

So, there I was, working on the green revision of Devious Bitches (which means if you’re a member of my Patreon or, you’ll be reading it soon! πŸ™Œ), rubbing my sore, beat up arm where my Baby Squirrel hit me repeatedly. For barely any reason at all. She hit me so hard I now have bruises! And every time I type, it flexes a bit, which makes it hurt. She’s abusive, y’all. And obviously racist towards redheads.


I mean, I suppose she had a reason to hit me…


See, I like to play practical jokes on the people I love. I’ve been like this since I was little(r), and I entirely blame my big brother for this. It all started when we were playing hide and seek, and I had the bright idea to hide in the dryer. There I was, feeling all smug after about five minutes because I could hear him going from room to room, searching for me… then all of a sudden, my world went ballistic.

He turned the dryer on. Even as I was tumbling, I vowed revenge. I was hell-bent determined to get his ass back.

I plotted for days, going back and forth on the best way to really shake him, to somehow break him down and get him to admit that I got him better than he got me. After hours of plotting, researching, and discussing with my friends, I came up with the perfect plan: I was going to kill myself.

It was a foolproof plan.

I made sure to come home earlier than him one day after school and ran to the kitchen, grabbing the biggest butcher knife I could find, then went to work.


Fast forward about 30 minutes.


Like I knew he would, my big brother walked in and went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat. And froze. There I was, on the kitchen floor, shirt torn, blood everywhere, with a butcher knife sticking out my chest.

I had my eyes closed, so I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I heard him gasp. I couldn’t hear him moving. He flipped out. I heard him make this weird gasping sound, then I was in his arms. He was shaking, freaking, and quickly elevated to crying.

I know this will sound evil as all hell, but I literally couldn’t stop myself from laughing. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself, and my brother, alarmed, tossed me to the side and got to his feet, stunned. I had made a large batch of fake blood the night before, see, and made sure I slashed up one of my older t-shirts and… the rest is history. I got that motherfucker so good. He was pissed at me for a long time, but it was so worth it. πŸ˜„

You’re probably wondering why I told you all that. Well, see, I recently pissed off my Baby Squirrel (πŸ‘ΆπŸΏ) by changing her ringtone to something that sounded like cheesy 70s porn music (complete with sex sounds) and turning her ringtone volume all the way up. Then, while she was getting set up for her chemo treatment, I called her. While the nurse was hooking her up. Right next to her. The entire floor cracked up.

She looked right at me – me! – and smacked me hard. Like, why would she even think little angelic me would be the guilty party? She is such a redhead racist… anyway, here’s a quick recipe for fake blood I yanked from


YIELD: Makes about 1 cup



  • 3/4 cup corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon red food coloring
  • 5 drops blue food coloring
  • 2 drops green food coloring
  • 1 tablespoon corn starch



In a small bowl, whisk together the corn syrup and water. Add the red, blue, and green food colorings and whisk until well combined. Whisk in the corn starch and let the liquid sit for 10 minutes to thicken.


Have fun. 😏



“I have the libido of a 15-year-old boy. My sex drive is so high. I’d rather have sex with Brian all the time than leave the house. He doesn’t mind.”

– Megan Fox


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Halloween Vibes and Self-Reflection

Halloween has always been a weird holiday for me. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I love dressing up, I love candy (way too much), and I love all...