Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Why I almost bitch-slapped my boyfriend…

Dear Diary,
So I almost slapped the shit out of my boyfriend today. You may be wondering why. Then again, if you actually know me, you probably aren’t. For those of you that are wondering, the reason is simple: I sent my man a nood while he was at work. (Shocking, I know) To, you know, get his attention and to remind him of why he was coming over tonight. It was, I thought, a reasonably sexy and provocative picture. I awaited his response, which I assumed was going to be something along the lines of I can’t wait. I mean, isn’t that what most guys would respond with? Right?
Do you know what this motherfucker wrote?
“Who’s this?”
Now let that sink in for a moment.
After the red faded from my vision, I sent another text asking how many other girls were out there sending him noods and what their names and addresses were so I could start beating some ass checklist style. And then I asked if there were so many bitches sending him noods that he could no longer tell them apart or something. I went on for a bit, each text more hostile than the previous until he finally stopped me mid-fume and called me.
Apparently, he was trying to say the picture didn’t look like me.
Oops. 😅
Aside from almost murdering my beau, I’ve been relatively productive. I placed Quickies: Cumpilation 3up for July 1, 2019 preorder (if you’re impatient you can get the paperback now). I also published a new part of the Exitium Mundi story on Wattpad and Patreon, a story that I’m about halfway finished with. Online there are only a few parts posted, but on my hard drive, it sits at a little over 27,000 words. I’m trying to stay ahead of the weekly posting thing. I think I’m rocking it so far. 🤘 That being said, this whole weekly posting story thing is an interesting experiment, but I don’t think I’ll do it again. When all this is finished, I plan on releasing the books on Amazon and then compiling them, but that will be far in the future. Probably next year while I’m on vacation. I dunno.
Oh, in case you guys didn’t know, I’ve been trying to be active on Goodreads more lately, posting progress on the books I read and reviewing the books I finish. In case you’re interested in that sort of thing.
Anyway, time to immerse myself in some Skyrim. Or maybe Resident Evil 4…

“The success of the suffrage movement would injure women spiritually and intellectually, for they would be assuming a burden though they knew themselves unable to bear it. It is the sediment, not the wave, of a sex. It is the antithesis of that highest and sweetest mystery – conviction by submission, and conquest by sacrifice.”
– John Boyle O’Reilly

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Monday, April 8, 2019

Peeing in public…

Dear Diary,
So there I was: sitting on the public transit train, rocking my new Knuckles hat (thank you, John!), my feet propped up on the seat in front of me, being my typical little ole’ innocent self. Anne was chilling a few feet away in her wheelchair, jamming to her music, glaring at me occasionally because she thinks I’m the one text-bombing her pictures of horse penises. 😲
The train seemed to be moving extra slow. We were on our way to a doctor’s appointment to get her left foot checked out yet again, something that’s become a bit of a hobby lately.
And then this guy gets on. He stumbled through the door, obviously homeless, his odor pungent and clothing filthy. He plopped down in a seat a few feet away from me, and almost immediately several people covered their noses and moved away.
Now, if you know me at all, you know that I have nothing against homeless people. Not only do I have several homeless friends, but for one long stretch of my life I was homeless myself, so I understand. Of course, atrocious hygiene and filthy clothes are not synonymous with homelessness – there are a plethora of institutions that deal with both daily that most homeless know about – so those attributes in this day and age are more or less a choice, not a given. So next time you encounter a homeless person asking for money for food, call bullshit – there are plenty of places that provide free food to the homeless that are easily accessible. I speak from experience. Trust me.
I know a lot of the homeless in the area where Anne lives, but I didn’t know this guy, and to his credit, he didn’t bother anyone – he just sat down and promptly passed out.
And then peed himself.
You should have seen the reaction of the people on that train. You would have thought someone was shooting in that motherfucker. Childish as fuck. Someone apparently called the police, because at the next stop they rushed in there like they were the SWAT team and a drug deal going on. They yelled at the guy to get off the train, but he was apparently really out of it so didn’t respond. They shouted louder, and he groggily acknowledged them but refused to budge. It got ugly. Some of the people started laughing and snickering, which prompted me (being the social, polite person that you all know me to be) to yell out “What the fuck is wrong with you people?!” That got me a few ugly stares. But they stopped laughing.
The police finally managed to get this guy off the train (coincidentally, at the stop Anne and I got off at), and I stood and watched with my cell phone in hand, not trusting that this wasn’t going to turn ugly. Interestingly enough they were extremely polite to the guy. I say interestingly enough because I’ve seen several interactions with the police and the homeless in this area, and most of them did not end well for the homeless. They were either beaten, taken to jail, or both. Very rarely did one end peacefully, which is sad, because I know cops personally and they are not all bad people. The ones that tend to deal with the homeless, however…
Regardless I couldn’t just stand there all day, so Anne and I left for her appointment. For some reason though, that situation stuck in my mind all day, so much so that I barely got any work done while we were at the doctor. See, usually, I whip out my phone or tablet and do all manner of author-related things, but not today – my mind just wouldn’t let go of it all.
I guess seeing that man in that state reminded me of how I used to be, of where I came from, and how far I’ve come since then. My past isn’t pretty. If you’re a member of my Patreon, you know what I mean, but for the rest of you – if you knew half the things I’ve done or been through, most of you would probably see me very differently. But I’ve evolved, overcome, and even though I still have a long way to go, I know I’ve come a hell of a long way from where I started.
Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded of that, especially when things get rough and you start doubting yourself because of childish and lifelong issues of insecurity. 😊
On the business side of things, I’ve finally placed the July 1, 2019 preorder for Quickies: Cumpilation Volume 3, and the paperback version (which I just completed and am waiting to be approved) should be available soon. As well as the audiobook. I’ll keep you guys posted.
Also: thank you for everyone that voted on my recent Twitter poll ( about innocently talking smack to Anne and her giving me two options for punishment… 😉
Anyway, thank you for reading.
I’ll see you guys again soon…

💡 The More You Know ðŸ’¡
The way your brain is wired might influence the number of sexual partners you have. Those whose brains showed more activity when shown a sexual image tended to have had the most sexual partners. Sexual motivation varies from individual to individual.
Source: Journal of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Multiple personality disorder…

Dear Diary,
I have three exciting announcements to make, all of which I’ve been dying to share with you guys for a while now. Before I do, however, I want to touch on something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately: having multiple pen names.
When I first started writing erotica, I didn’t see myself writing anything else. I figured anything I wanted to write that deviated from my more carnal inclinations I could just weave into my stories, which I have done on several occasions. Horror, fantasy, supernatural, etc. And it has been so much fun to do so.
What happens when you want to write something non-erotic, something you want to be taken seriously by the world at large without the taint of having written erotica? Because trust me, motherfuckers are very judgmental when they find out you’ve written smut. It’s like everything else you write is viewed through the lens of your erotic writings, tainting it and making it somehow less-than.
It’s frustrating. Especially since sex is, well, the one universal common denominator. Everyone, despite religion, race, or creed, does it. Everyone wants to do it. Everyone thinks about it, enjoys it, and talks about it. Daily. And fuck does erotica sell! So why is writing about it considered so controversial? I mean, motherfuckers are obviously buying it. Reading it. Enjoying it. If anything, erotica should be celebrated. Held as the norm.
Because of this prejudice, I decided to create pen names to publish my other, more serious works. I also created one other erotica account to post content to when I finish something that isn’t quite as deep and involved as the stories I usually try to write.
Here lies the problem with having multiple pen names, however: managing them. 😳 Correspondences, promotions, the time investment necessary to advertise and engage with readers… It’s insane. How do some of you writers manage things such as this? What do you do? Any secrets? Tips?
Now on to the announcements I’ve been chomping at the bit to share:
  1. Nephilim: Prisoner, is finally complete! And boy is it verbose. Currently it sits at approximately 70,000 words and is in the final stages of revisions. Soon I’ll be shooting it to my Beta Reader Hit Squad, and then my editor, and then to you guys! All of my Patreon subscribers will get it immediately, everyone else will have to wait a few months until I have a slot in my release schedule cleared. Which should be around July-ish. I can’t wait for you guys to read it… 🥰
  2. Exitium Mundi, my Wattpad only project that leads into Nephilim: Daybreak, is now live! I’ll be releasing it in parts over time, but if you want to check it out now, you can do so here:
And now for the third announcement…
  1. I’m taking next year, 2020, completely off. No writing, no engaging, nothing. Well, I’ll still be hanging out with my Patreon peeps, of course, but otherwise, I’ll be more or less off the grid. I just need a break, because writing along with a personal life and, of course, my day job is all an insane amount of fun to juggle. So enjoy me while you got me, yo. 😉 When I come back in 2021, it’s going to be insane…
Anyway, I know my posts have been sporadic as fuck this year, but I promise I’ll get back on the bandwagon ASAP and produce more content. I miss engaging with you guys and letting you know all the strange little things that have been happening in my life. I need an outlet, you know? I have too weird of a mind not to need some kind of a release. 😅
Anyway, thank you for reading.
I love you all.

“Despite its obscurity, probably no element on the periodic table has as colorful a history as antimony. Money, madness, poison, linguistics, charlatanism, sex – pretty much every theme that runs through the periodic table can be found in Element 51.”
– Sam Kean

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Halloween Vibes and Self-Reflection

Halloween has always been a weird holiday for me. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I love dressing up, I love candy (way too much), and I love all...