Monday, May 20, 2024

How I write a Book. And Koreans stealing my time…

Dear Diary,

If there was one question I get asked more than any other (perverted questions from incels don’t count), it’s how I write a book, and why it seems to take so much longer for me to release a new story compared to other authors. To be completely honest, I have dyslexia to blame for that. Most people don’t know I have it because I utilize an army of grammar-checking tools. Not only that, but I trudge through several re-reads of my finished product just to ensure that everything sounds the way I intended. Here’s what my writing process looks like in a nutshell:


  1. Brainstorming.
  2. Outline.
  3. Rough Draft.
  4. Red Revision.
  5. Yellow Revision.
  6. Green Revision.
  7. Final Version. This is where I properly format it, put it through all my grammar checkers, and do one last read-through before I release it to the wild.


Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? Not to me, it doesn’t. In fact, it’s a lot of fun. So much fun that almost everything else in my life tends to fade away in the background, forcing me to constantly ground myself and make sure that none of my loved ones feel… unloved. You know? And then comes my love for retro games (which I’ll start featuring in my newsletters starting next month) and my Patreon/Subscribestar members. I love interacting with them, oftentimes just randomly messaging and opening dialog because they are truly interesting and inspiring people to me.

And then there are the Koreans, who have recently stolen what little free time I have. 😭

See, it started with Squid Game. We started watching it a while back when it was first released and promptly fell off to watch other shows after the first episode. Then, the Squid Game: The Challenge came on not long ago, and it caught our attention. So, we started watching it. I became insanely addicted, binge-watching it until the show’s completion, which made us want to watch the show it was based on, Squid Game. So, we did. All the way through. And that made us curious about other shows or movies that Netflix ported over that we missed, like Strength 100 and myriad others (just go to Google and type in ‘Netflix Korean shows’ and see for yourself).

So now I’m basically Korean.


이 글을 읽을 수 있다면 당신도 마찬가지입니다.





“When writing a novel, that’s pretty much entirely what life turns into: ‘House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.”

– Neil Gaiman

(Image by Nika Suchá from Pixabay)

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